YEARBOOK of the Faculty of Law of the University of Banja Luka is the oldest magazine for legal theory and practice in this region. Since 1977, generations of university professors and assistants, as well as distinguished experts in legal practice, have published their scientific and professional works here.

Our YEARBOOK publishes works that are the result of many years of scientific research and professional engagement of local authors and authors from surrounding countries, from all areas of legal theory and practice. In their articles, the authors primarily deal with the methodological analysis of legal solutions and current judicial practice in the field of constitutional, criminal, civil, obligation, and international law.

Before the scientific and professional articles, reviews of interesting scientific and professional publications from various fields of law are published. A special place in each issue of the magazine is reserved for the most interesting examples from the judicial practice of regular courts, as well as courts of special jurisdiction and constitutional courts of all entities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Due to all of the above, our Journal has so far made an immeasurable contribution to the development of legal science throughout Bosnia and Herzegovina, as well as in the surrounding countries.

The YEARBOOK of the Faculty of Law of the University of Banja Luka is edited in accordance with current regulations and according to the highest scientific quality standards. Before publication, all received papers are checked by two anonymous reviewers from the appropriate legal field, from a list of distinguished academic scientists, as well as proofreading. The final decision on publication is made by the editorial board.

THE YEARBOOK of the Faculty of Law of the University of Banja Luka has been categorized as a national magazine of the first category by the competent departmental ministry of the Government of Rebpulika Srpska. The editorial board consists of distinguished scientists and experts from Bosnia and Herzegovina and abroad. The journal is also registered in the international academic database of journals and publications EVSCO, and is also on the list of journals with DOI permission. The procedure of indexing in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) is underway, with the aim of increasing the visibility of the Journal.

The journal is indexed in the CEEOL international electronic scientific base.

The Јournal offers scientific content mainly on legal topics to researchers, but also to those who apply law in practice.

The Јournal was created with the aim of promoting and affirming scientific research in legal sciences. The Јournal wants to encourage the interdisciplinary study of complex topics in the field of law, as well as a modern methodological approach to the study of selected topics.